Monday, February 8, 2010

Scenes of Santiago

Santiago is a modern city in a temperate climate. We've come in the drier summer season so blue skies should be the norm, though we've read that pollution can be a real problem here.

A mix of old and new:

The city runs east to west along both sides of the Mapocho River, which flows straight out of the Andes Mountains just 1+ hour drive to the east:

The Fuente Aleman in Parque Forestal, which runs along the Mapocho River:

An advertisement for a major theater production:

Buildings along Avenida Providencia near our language school:

We learned that many people leave the city during the summer holidays, gathering at weekend and summer homes by the seaside. Santiago was quiet over the weekend, and many businesses were closed:

Now that we've got our bearings, we hope we're ready for our first day of language classes! Wish us luck...


Anonymous said...

Your photos make us feel as if we're getting acquainted with Chile. Thanks.

Patrick said...

Buenos Dias Laura,
Como estas? How are the language classes going?

Laura said...

So glad you're enjoying the blog!

Chile is such an incredible place! I hope to see as much as possible in these next three months.

Pat, the classes are pretty tough- it's an excellent school and very demanding. But no pain, no gain, right? :)
Besos, Laura