Saturday, April 10, 2010

Road Trip Chile- Valparaiso

Since the day we landed in Santiago, we've gotten lots of excellent advice about sights to see and places to visit here in Chile. So when our formal schooling wrapped up last month, we were anxious to hit the road. We were ready to see for ourselves what this amazing country is all about!

Patricia and Martin, Couchsurfing friends we'd met in New York, came over to join us. It was their first time in South America and they wanted to see as much of Chile as we did.

So armed with enough Spanish from 6 weeks of classes, we headed north.

Valparaiso was our first stop. It's a deep port town on the coast, only an hour and a half from Santiago, and super famous in Latin America for its annual music festival.

It looks like the South American version of San Francisco, but I honestly think that the hills here are steeper!

We found a cute hotel room on one of the cerros (hills) overlooking the bay. Notice the slight damage to the walls, from the terremoto in February. Thank goodness it was only superficial:

The best thing to do in Valparaiso is walk around town:

No need for art galleries here- the whole town is covered in really incredible grafitti:


Unknown said...

Laura and Daniel,

Really good photos!!! I like them a lot, especially the one of the two of you and the sad little girl :)!!! Valparaíso is amazing!

Laura said...

Glad you enjoyed them Liz! Nos encanta a Valparaiso tambien!!

Next time we "road trip" in Chile it will be to the south...there's so much to see and do in your amazing country!!

Jessica Barcomb said...

It's great seeing the photos of you guys over there--I was thinking it looked a bit like San Fran, then read your comment :)
Glad you're learning and seeing so much! We'll have to go explore the East Coast together when you get back--I've been learning more and more abt. the "Milk/s" side of the family and their origins...would be great to explore some of MA with you to see where our ancestors are from! xoxoJess